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Overview of Awards and Grants

Research Grant (Max. 10'000 €)

Awarded once per year, provided sufficient funds are available 


  • To promote research in paediatric ophthalmology and support young researchers in this field.


  • < 35 years old (defined as <35 years at midnight of the deadline for abstract submissions for the annual congress)
  • A candidate who has not been awarded this grant before
  • EPOS member and attends the annual meeting


  • Scientific excellence of the submitted project
  • Novelty, potential clinical value and significance of the project in the field of paediatric ophthalmology
  • Strength of motivation and Curriculum Vitae of the applicant

Adjudication Evaluation and Process 

Evaluated by EPOS Board Members

1. Application:  

Full research application  including CV, publication list, and support letter. To be sent to the EPOS board not later than 2 weeks prior to the annual meeting

2. Evaluation

At the EPOS board meeting prior to the annual meeting. 

3. Announcement

At the end of the annual meeting. 

4. Presentation

The researcher must present a progress report at the annual meeting in the following year, and the final report in the following 1-2 years.

Visiting Clinical Observership (2'000 €)

Max. 5/Year  


  • To promote training in paediatric ophthalmology. 


  • < 35 years old (defined as <35 years at midnight of the deadline for abstract submissions for the annual congress)
  • EPOS member and attends the annual meeting


  • Strength of motivation and Curriculum Vitae of the applicant.
  • Letter of support from the receiving centre. 
  • Not less than one month of observership. 

Adjudication Evaluation and Process 

Evaluated by EPOS Board Members

1. Application:  

Letter of intent including CV, support letter sent to the EPOS board not later than 2 weeks prior to the annual meeting.  

2. Evaluation

At the EPOS board meeting prior to the annual meeting. 

3. Announcement

At the end of the annual meeting. 

4. Feedback Report 

Three-minute presentation at the annual meeting in the following year.  

Travel Grant to Annual Meeting (500 €)

Max. 5/Year  


  • To support young researchers in attending EPOS annual meeting and in contributing valuable work in paediatric ophthalmology.  


  • < 35 years old (defined as <35 years at midnight of the deadline for abstract submissions for the annual congress). 
  • Abstract submitted as first author. 
  • EPOS member and attends the annual meeting. 


  • Scientific excellence of the work submitted. 
  • In-person presentation at the annual meeting.  

Adjudication Evaluation and Process 

Evaluated by EPOS Board Members

1. Application:  

At abstract submission (should be provided by the annual meeting hosting site). Please contact the local organizer of the annual meeting to submit your application.  

2. Evaluation

During abstract evaluation. 

3. Announcement

At the end of the annual meeting. 


Grant for Best Presentations at Annual Meeting (300 €)

Max. 3/Presentation type: Rapid Fire, Oral Presentation Poster


  • To encourage young researchers to contribute valuable work in paediatric ophthalmology. 


  • < 35 years old (defined as <35 years at midnight of the deadline for abstract submissions for the annual congress). 
  • First author and presenter of any mode of presentation: rapid fire, oral presentation. 
  • EPOS member and attends the annual meeting. 
  • Has not received a travel grant in the same year. 


  • Scientific excellence of the work described. 
  • Quality of presentation.  

Adjudication Evaluation and Process 

Evaluated by EPOS Board Members

1. Application:  

At abstract submission (should be provided by the annual meeting hosting site). Please contact the local organizer of the annual meeting to submit your application.  

2. Evaluation

At the presentation site.  

3. Announcement

At the end of the annual meeting. 

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