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EPOS 2025

Team- and network in paediatric ophthalmology

Welcome to the 50th annual meeting in Leiden, the Netherlands

Dear colleagues, dear EPOS friends,

We are delighted to welcome you to the 50th annual meeting of the European Paediatric Ophthalmology Society in Leiden, the Netherlands. This meeting will be hosted by Nicoline Schalij-Delfos, together with Angela Arends-Tjiam, Arlette van Sorge, Elke Kraal-Biezen and Mo Al Baaj.

The meeting venue is the spacious Buruma Hall at the Leiden University Medical Center, close to the train station and 20 minutes by train from Amsterdam airport.


Team- and network amongst paediatric ophthalmologists, with other subspecialists in ophthalmology or other specialists involved in care for our paediatric patients is necessary to provide the highest standard of care. This meeting offers a chance of a lifetime to exchange clinical and scientific knowledge with all specialists connected to your daily practice and provides the key to success for patients depending on our care.

The EPOS mission is to promote clinical and scientific paediatric ophthalmology throughout Europe and beyond, and to attract young clinicians and researchers in the field. The programme will include keynote lectures by well-known experts, free papers and poster sessions on the main topic, and all other areas of paediatric ophthalmology. Sufficient time will be provided for discussion during oral and poster sessions. Breaks, a welcome reception on Thursday evening and the Gala dinner are opportunities for social networking. To celebrate the 50th EPOS-meeting several additional festivities are foreseen.

We are grateful to the president Dr. D. Hildebrand and the EPOS board for the opportunity to organize this meeting, and to our sponsors who facilitate us to share our knowledge and show us their products and new developments.

We are looking forward to see you all in Leiden!

The Organising Committee.

European Paediatric Ophthalmological Society (EPOS)

EPOS is the leading and largest group of those interested in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Genetics in Europe. One of the basic principles of the Group has been that discussion of squints should be excluded and left to the strabismological societies and this will be maintained.

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The 48th annual meeting

of EPOS in Paris, France,

September 14-14, 2024

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